Handy Cross
High Wycombe
HP11 1UP
South Midland Area Indoor Flying Extravaganza
Once again the Club will be hosting a large indoor flying event in association with BMFA South Midlands Area, Hemel Hempstead MFC and West London MAC.
There will be various events during the afternoon including a first attempt (for us) at indoor pylon racing for which some members have obtained Microaces indoor racer kits. These look like fun but are not essential as any small indoor plane can compete. There will be a prize for the winner courtesy of Microaces.
For an idea of what indoor racing involves have a look here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMUBUP8NV0w
Those who came to the 2023 event reckoned it was a very good day so we hope at you will all come again in 2024.
There will be 20 minute flying slots for Indoor Scale, Indoor Aerobatic (commonly shockies) and Free Flight. These will be repeated each hour but may be subject to adjustment depending on requirements on the day.
Entry fee is £15 for as long as you want to stay. Juniors are free if accompanying a paying adult.
Tickets are available now from https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/bmfa-ife-2024/t-dvprknz and include free entry into a prize draw.